Open your eyes and imagine - discover - be art
Security guard at Tate - London
His eyes and mind built impressions. Looking around, shaping perspectives. He thought this was more about living than drawing conclusions. He used to imagine different paths, his own paths. This is how what only seemed white ended up making sense. White was a free state of mind. But who was him? Do not look for one answer. Remember it is all about discovering new perspectives, new ways to understand.
Model: Pablo Mir-Mir
Text: Maria Pujol Bremer
Idea inspired by Lora Simpson's exhibition at Tate Modern, 'Twenty Questions (A Sampler)'.
Gabriel Kazz
Feel a little light, I feel like I could fly away. It's not like I'm a kite, I'm turning into Hellium @gabrielkazzmusic #London #music #Hellium #delartisteo
Gig at White Post, Hackney, London.
Musicians: Gabriel Kazz and Nadav Brand; Song: Hellium - Gabriel Kazz.
Why is Food Waste a problem?
Produced and directed: Lucía González, Bethany Miller and Maria Pujol Bremer.
Edition: Lucía González, Bethany Miller and Maria Pujol Bremer.
Colour Grading: Maria Pujol Bremer.
Special thanks to: Whitney Patterson.
For Invisible Food Multimedia Project, Sussex University, MA Media for Development and Social Change.
Photos: Georgina Solé Canals
Models: Yari Napolitano and Maria Pujol Bremer
Text: Maria Pujol Bremer
Creation, creation, peaceinspiration
London has become my exit, escape. A place where I can think about my madness (about my mind, i meant...).
Walking in a park, surrounded by four walls, next to Regents canal or drinking a coffee with a friend, London has become my utopia.
London has become a double rainbow that gets off my mind. In this impersonal big city I have found love, I have found chaos, inspiration and dreams. And is here where I have realized about the power of my mind.
December. I have just found peace in London. Why? Because, after a while, there is only peace in my chaotic mind.
Is important where we are, but is more important how we find ourselves there.
Mar, sempre.
"Quan li vaig veure tots els prismes: bé, bellesa i veritat"
compartint ciutat o cel
compartint cafè o worries
compartint la vida!
"Esa maldita vida"
que ens està fotent reptes sempre
i en el fons és genial
poder respirar-los amb tu.
Pensar-los juntes,
fent un cigarret,
compartint ciutat o cel,
Mar, Sempre.
Never Waste
Invisible Food Project - Recording Data
Com un peix
Com un peix sense bicicleta
cerco el meu cor entre les ones.
Alço la copa on mor la lluna
en vi molt dolç.
M'he emborratxat de solitud.
Maria-Mercè Marçal - Tombant III
Vivas nos queremos
Argentina Tinged in Black to Protest Against Gender Violence
On 19th of October Black Wednesday resounded across Argentina. As a part of the national day, the platform Ni una Menos organized a national protest violence against women in Argentina.
Arriving in their thousands, over 50 union groups and feminist organizations attend the rally. The organizers promoted a strike between 1 and 2pmet chanting the mottos "Vivas nos queremos" (We want ourselves alive) and "Not even one (more women) less" ("Ni una menos").
This mobilization took part due to the rape and torture that Lucía Pérez suffered earlier this month. She was a 16-year-old girl from Mar del Plata city who died in hospital after the attack.
An Argentina tinged in black shouted in the streets to stop the increasing gender violence that has risen 78% since 2008 in the country.
The Feminicides Observatory in Argentina, directed by the NGO La Casa del Encuentro, reported 285 'feminicides' during 2015, a term used for sex-based hate crimes.
#NiUnaMenos also went to the Argentinian Congress in two marches organised in June of last year to complain about the same issue. They explained that sexual violence is - of course - not only a problem in Argentina. They argue that fighting against patriarchal societies is an international issue and emphasised the importance of recognising gender violence. “It’s not a specific blow by a specific man against one woman in particular, it’s a message to all women to return to our stereotypical roles,” said Sabrina Cantabria, one of the organizers of the march.
October alone, 19 women have been murdered in Argentina, and it hasn't even been a full month. In London, a group of protesters united in front of the Argentinian Embassy to show support to the mobilization.
Model: Carlota Ruiz
Coffees, white walls, water, boats. And much more.

London sky
Stoke Newington
Yari and Pablo

Open mic
Hackney violin
If life give you lemons
Investigate. Play. Ride.

Bow's faces

Cementery beauty
Looking for the light in Mile End Cementery park - London